Why Did Issei Sagawa, The Japanese Man Who Murdered And Ate A Dutch Girl, Never Saw Jail?

Issei Sagawa Renee Hartevelt

How about we tell you that a man murdered and ate his friend and faced no charges. Shocking isn’t it? But it’s true. A Japanese man named Issei Sagawa, in 1981, murdered his Dutch friend and ate her flesh, but never saw jail. But why, Issei Sagawa, the k*ller cannibal wasn’t punished even after committing such a horrible crime? 

In 1981, Issei Sagawa, then a 32-years old Japanese man invited his 25-years old Dutch classmate friend Renée Hartevelt to his residence. At his own place Sagawa brutally murdered Hartevelt before eating her body parts for two days. Sagawa, the k*ller cannibal also r@ped the corpse of Hartevelt.

Issei Sagawa the Japanese cannibal

After satisfying his urge to eat human flesh, Sagawa disposed of the remaining parts of Hartevelt’s body into the lake near his residence. He was spotted carrying a suitcase with blood dripping out, and then the French cops arrested him. 

Sagawa waited for two years in French prison for his trial that only declared him insane and imposed no charges on him for k*lling, r@ping and eating Renée Hartevelt. The French court ordered Sagawa to spend the rest of life in a mental asylum. Sagawa was then deported to Japan, where he was intended to live in a mental hospital.

In Japan, Sagawa was sent to Tokyo’s psychiatric Matsuzawa Hospital. The Japanese psychologists found him sane and determined that he murdered the Dutch woman, solely out of sexual perversion. However, despite being declared a sane man now, Sagawa was allowed to move free as the charges against him for murdering and raping Renée Hartevelt were dropped in France after he was deported to Japan. 

issei sagawa

Where Is Issei Sagawa Now?

Issei Sagawa, died on 24 November 2022, at the age of 73. But before his death he became a celebrity in Japan due to his cannibalism. He wrote over 20 books related to his cannibalism. He was so proud of his cannibalism that he used to say on murdering his friend Hartevelt that his only regret is that he failed to eat Renée’s flesh while she was alive.

In an interview given to VICE Sagawa said: 

“Nobody believes me, but my ultimate intention was to eat her, not necessarily to k*ll her.” He also said that all he wanted was Hartevelt to let him taste a bit of her flesh while she was still alive.

Whatever happened was truly a shameful and disgusting thing for the French and Japanese legalization history as a shitty loophole in legalization allowed a k*ller cannibal to live a good life and failed to serve justice to Renée Hartevelt…